Okay, so this is just a little update on everything that's been going on and what direction I'm taking over the next few months...

I am not writing Imperfect Perfections right now.  I have already written up to chapter three and now that I need to start taking screenshots I just can't find the motivation for it.  As soon as the new school year starts I might be able to get into it more but until then I can't.

Although my sims stories aren't going to be available for a while I have been taking lots of new directions with my writing.  I need lots of practice because quite frankly my writing isn't where I want it to be right now.  I've had some requests asking me to make longer stories or just more of them, even if not with the screenshots.  So that's what I'm going to do.  Hopefully when I get back from my break I will have a bunch of stories to share with you!

My goal is to write one nonfiction and one fiction piece a week.  Just short stories that are a few pages long.  I am always looking for challenges so if you want to give me a topic to write about by all means, please  do!  

Even though this isn't goodbye, I would like to thank you all for reading!  See you soon!  :)

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